Archive for September, 2011

God has spoken to us by His Son

Barnes spends quite some time on this and I love it because it signifies the essence of Jesus’ deity – that He was in fact both man and God.

God found another way to communicate His will to us and that was through His Son.

We still do not get the big picture right away, but there are bits and pieces that we put together as we engage our world the way we perceive Christ would have us to each and every day.

There are some really important qualities of God that we can now start to understand more clearly because of Christ:

The character of God – Christ came to make Him known as a merciful being, and to show how He could be merciful as well as just. The views given of God by the Lord Jesus are far more clear than any given by the ancient prophets; compared with those entertained by the ancient philosophers, they are like the sun compared with the darkest midnight.

The way in which we may be reconcile to God. The New Testament – which may be considered as what God “has spoken to us by His Son” – has told us how the great work of being reconciled to God can be effected. The Lord Jesus told us that He came to “give His life a ransom for many;” that He laid down His life for His friends; that He was about to die for us; that He would draw all people to Him. The prophets indeed – particularly Isaiah – threw much light on these points. But the mass of the people did not understand their revelations. They pertained to future events always difficult to be understood. But Christ has told us the way of salvation, and He has made it so plain that we who run may read.

The moral precepts of Christ are elevated, pure, expansive, benevolent – such as became the Son of God to proclaim. Indeed this is admitted on all hands. We are constrained to acknowledge that all the moral precepts of the Saviour are eminently pure.  If they were obeyed, the world would be filled with justice, truth, purity, and benevolence. Error, fraud, hypocrisy, ambition, wars, perverse sexuality, and drunkenness would cease; and the opposite virtues would diffuse happiness over the face of the world. Prophets had indeed delivered many moral precepts of great importance, but the purest and most extensive body of just principles of good morals on earth are to be found in the teachings of the Saviour.

He has given to us the clearest view of our future state; and He has disclosed in regard to that future state a class of truths of the deepest interest to us, which were before wholly unknown or only partially revealed.

  • He has revealed the certainty of a state of future existence. This was denied before He came by multitudes, and where it was not, the arguments by which it was supported were often of the feeblest kind. The “truth” was held by some – like Plato and his followers – but the “arguments” on which they relied were feeble, and such as were untitled to give rest to the soul. The “truth” they had obtained by tradition; the “arguments” were their own.
  • He revealed the doctrine of the resurrection of the body. This before was doubted or denied by nearly all the world. It was held to be absurd and impossible. The Saviour taught its certainty; He raised up more than one to show that it was possible; He was Himself raised, to put the whole matter beyond debate.
  • He revealed the certainty of future judgment – the judgment of all of us.
  • The Greeks spoke of Elysian fields, but they were dreams of the imagination; the Hebrews had some faint notion of a future state where all was dark and gloomy, with perhaps an occasional glimpse of the truth that there is a holy and blessed heaven; but to the mass of mind all was obscure. Christ revealed a heaven, and told us of a hell. He showed us that the one might be gained and the other avoided. He presented important motives for doing it; and had He done nothing more, His communications were worthy the profound attention of each of us:

Jesus spoke as a “witness” of what He saw and knew. He spoke without doubt or ambiguity of God, and heaven, and hell. His is the language of one who is familiar with all that He describes; who saw all, who knew all. There is no hesitancy or doubt in His mind of the truth of what He speaks; and He speaks as if His whole soul were impressed with its unspeakable importance. Never were so momentous communications made to people of hell as fell from the lips of the Lord Jesus; never were announcements made so suited to awe and appall a sinful world.

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The pride of your heart has deceived you

You have seen individuals who are strong financially, physically, politically, emotionally, intellectually – however none of those things have deceived anyone – but the pride in my heart has.

God knows the gifts He gives to us – no problem there, but when we start to think that we had something to do with that then we are going to a place that we probably might not even see ourselves going.

It is an amazing thing to see what we can accomplish, obtain, build, establish, create and gather together in this world – but like the frog in the pot, we don’t see our heart changing.

The heart has its own language, as distinct and as definite as that formed by the lips, mostly deeper, often truer. It does not need the language of the lips, to offend God. Since He answers the heart which seeks Him, so also He replies in displeasure to the heart which despises Him.

We cannot measure our prosperity by what we see – God can easily lay those low who magnify and exalt themselves; and will do it. Carnal security ripens people for ruin, and makes the ruin worse when it comes. Treasures on earth cannot be so safely laid up but that thieves may break through and steal; it is therefore our wisdom to lay up for ourselves treasures in heaven.

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Do you see a person wise in their own eyes?

I hope you are not looking at yourself right now…I hope you are not looking or thinking of anyone right now…

Considering that we only use 10% of our brain, we really do not know very much and yet seem quite conceited for the most part of what we know or maybe we think while everyone else is using 10%, we have somehow manage to tweek another 1 or 2 percent more.

How do we define wisdom verses – let’s say the opposite of a wise person is a “fool”?  If we define a “fool” as someone who is generally understood as a wicked and profane person, than a wise person would be a good, trying to live right individual.  The problem is that most of us think we are the wise by our own conceit and esteem, but maybe because we place our “righteousness” in outward things, in the observance of external duties; and though there may be some little imperfection in them, yet we think, as we mean well, God will accept the will for the deed: and some of us have imagined we have arrived to perfection; and such are generally conceited, proud, and haughty, and despise others; all which flows from ignorance.

For, though we fancy ourselves to be wise, we are very ignorant of ourselves; of the plague of our own hearts; of the law of God, and the spirituality of it, and the expansiveness of its demands; of the strict justice and righteousness of God, which will not admit of an imperfect righteousness in the room of a perfect one; and also of the righteousness of Jesus Christ, the nature and necessity of that to justify: and this being our case, we are in very dangerous circumstances; we are building on a sand; we are liable to fall into a ditch; we cannot be justified nor saved by our own works; we oppose ourselves to God’s way of justifying and saving sinners; and He sets himself against us, He resists the proud.

Therefore there is more hope of a fool than of us; of a profane sinner than of a self-righteous person; for Christ came to save sinners, to call them to repentance, and He receives them as such; but not self-righteous persons; and, humanly speaking, there is a greater likelihood and greater hopes of convincing sinners, and bringing them to repentance and to forsake their sins, than there is of convincing a self-righteous person of the insufficiency of their righteousness, and the folly of trusting to it, and of bringing them to repent of such a confidence, and to forsake it; for it is most natural to them; it is their own, and the effect of great labour and pains; and encourages vanity and boasting, which would be excluded should they part with it.

There is wisdom in this – God is faithful and merciful, He has promised to give salvation to all who desire to follow Him, He has promised to supply all of my needs, Jesus is coming again and until such time He has given me the Holy Spirit to teach me and to comfort me.  Lord, I need your mercy and grace because there are days, even when You have given me all of this, I still look in the mirror and a see a wise person – and then I realize all over again of how gracious You are to have saved a fool like myself and provide unconditional love until you receive me home.


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The presence of the Lord

God has come to dwell with people because of Jesus and we have become the servants of the living God because of what Christ has done for us…

We know He is powerful because of the resurrection, and He has displayed it so personally, especially to those who saw the waters roll back at the sea and at the Jordan river.

The truth in those cases was implied – the fact that God was there and the inference from that, or the truth which followed from that, was, that before that God in whose presence from whom the waters of the sea fled in alarm – the whole earth should tremble.

The majestic, powerful, and gracious presence of God; such as He sometimes causes to attend His ministers, His Word, His Church, His martyrs and confessors; and so as to strike an awe upon, and terror into, their greatest enemies, as well as to convert His own people.

When Christ comes for the salvation of His people , He redeems them from the power of sin and Satan, separates them from an ungodly world, forms them to be His people.  and becomes their King.  That same power is available to us – whether we are planting a church, involved is spiritual battles, preaching the gospel, facing temptations and more temptations than we could possible dream of, facing our own prejudices and praying they are removed, and the watching the whole person becoming new only happens when we have the presence of God’s Spirit within us.

In the presence of the Lord we are protected, provided for, have our sins washed away, supplied with a lifetime of life-giving water and comforted with the Holy Spirit,  and promised a boatload of blessings and unconditional love – but when we stand before Him, this Holy and incredibly powerful Judge, let us prepare our hearts to meet our God so that we may have full confidence before Him.


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Seek Me; and live

Wonderful conciseness of the Word of God, which, in two phrases, comprises the whole of my duty and my hopes, my time and my eternity.

Actually these really represent my duty and my reward and I believe that these are not said as a cause and effect statement, but rather as one.  Where the one is, there is the other. To seek God is to live. For to seek God is to find Him, and God is Life and the Source of life. Forgiveness, grace, life, enter the soul at once.

The seeking is diligent seeking, but I am not sure that is what is meant – even though we find that expression in many, many other references.  I think instead that we actually choose to look somewhere else for our salvation.  Simple things like food, money, power, prestige, stuff, maybe even other religions, cults or occult practices.

But it is God that should be sought, longed for, and prayed for.

The object of the search is God Himself.  We can’t miss this – seek God for Himself, not for anything out of Him, not for His gifts, not for anything to be loved with Him.  All is found in Him, and by seeking Him first, and then loving Him in all, and all in Him we shall live, not only now, but in the hereafter.

The seeking looks like fear and reverence, serve and worship; returning to Him by repentance; seeking Him by prayer and supplication; acknowledge my sins, and humbling ourselves before Him, and imploring His pardoning grace and mercy.

Living looks like occupying your own land and not being carried out of it, living comfortably in plenty of good things; and living spiritually, enjoying the favour of God, and His presence, and knowing we will live eternally with Him.

What else am I to tell you?  This must be heard and heeded, for whether we do or don’t, the Word of God shall take effect.  The Lord still proclaims mercy to us, but we often expect deliverance from such self-invented forms as make their condemnation sure. While we may  refuse to come to Christ and to seek mercy in and by Him, that we may live, we reap the consequences.  Make an idol of the world…but you will find it cannot protect.

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To search out a matter

Part of the joy of meeting with God each morning, is not only in getting pointed in the right direction for the day, which is still my primary reason, however, there are moments when I know I need to take what I have learnt and press the matter further.

There are a number of thesis or discourses that explain in-depth certain truths and then there are snippets throughout that add flavour, colour and texture in order to almost get a two-dimensional look.  It is further presses that gives you the three-dimensional look.

That further pressing is getting into that place with God where secrets are not revealed even after receiving what we think is full revelation.

In His Word He has given us parables, allegories, metaphors, similitudes etc., I think for the joy of watching us search them out and seeing the absolute wonder and amazement when He opens the door of understanding for us.  Don’t we then prize that learning?

If you want to be a leader, need to learn to search out matters that are found in the secret places of God.

I am not so sure that prophecies are as relevant in this area other than understanding their statement for we cannot fully know their meaning till their accomplishment; and then the glory of God’s wisdom and providence will be more particularly evident, when we see the event correspond so particularly and exactly with the prediction.

I also know that there are matters in the Book of God that will not be fully opened till mortality is swallowed up of life. For here we see through a glass darkly; but there, face to face: here we know in part; but there we shall know as we also are known.

Adam Clarke (1760 or 1762–1832) was a British Methodist theologian and he shared an extract of a letter sent to him by His Royal Highness the Duke of Sussex.

“As far as I have presumed to dive into and occupy myself with the sacred volumes, I feel satisfied of their Divine origin and truth. And I am satisfied, likewise, that they contain more matter than any one, and myself in particular, can ever aspire fully to understand. This belief, however, ought in nowise to slacken our diligence, or damp our ardor, in attempting a constant pursuit after the attainment of knowledge and truth; as we may flatter ourselves, although unable to reach the gate, we are still approaching nearer to its portals, which of itself is a great blessing.”



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A really good friend of mine posted something on Facebook recently citing that she was lucky to have found such a great husband – those comments coming on the celebration of their 4th wedding anniversary.

I was being cute and commented on the word – lucky – knowing that she was a follower of Christ.  She commented that using any other word like – blessed – would have sounded corny.

So the only place to worship God is in the church?

It sure is easier – saying hallelujah in public means nothing except to the Christians listening to you.  They know that it means Praise the LORD!

Really it means I will praise the Lord with my whole heart – with undivided affections; holding back nothing. I will allow nothing to be in my heart that would interfere with the fullness of praise; no coldness or dividedness of affection; no love for other things that would deaden my love for God; no suspicion respecting Him that would chill my ardor; no unbelief that would drag me down to earth, while the language of my lips ascended to God.

All this to be seen in my private devotions and in the context of church – but definitely not to be seen by the general public…right?

Oh I forgot – actually, praise the Lord might mean to sing to the praise and glory of God.  Oh boy, definitely a private matter or with a body of believers already engaged in singing.

It makes sense doesn’t it?

The object of our praise is Jehovah, the self-existent Being, the Being of beings, the author of His Being, and in whom all people live and move, and have their being; the God of our mercies, temporal and spiritual, and therefore we should praise Him, even Jehovah, Father, Son, and Spirit;  which is not to be expected in any duty, but of sincerity and cordial affection.

Cordial affection – or is there more…?

I say we do it now, do it always: do it heartily, do it unanimously, do it eternally. Even if others refuse, we will take care that we have always a song for our God. We will put away all doubt, question, murmuring, and rebellion, and give ourselves up to the praising of Jehovah, both with our lips and in our lives. “I will praise the Lord with my whole heart.” I will start this song for my heart is all on flame: whether others will follow me or not, I will at once begin and long continue.

What we preach we should practise. The best way to enforce an exhortation is to set an example; but we must let that example be of the best kind, or we may lead others to do the work in a limping manner. I will endeavour to bring nothing less than my whole heart to the duty; all my love will go out towards God, and all my zeal, my skill, and my ardour.

Jehovah the one and undivided God cannot be acceptably praised with a divided heart, neither should we attempt so to dishonour Him; for our whole heart is little enough for His glory, and there can be no reason why it should not all be lifted up in His praise. All His works are praiseworthy, and therefore all our nature should adore Him.

Whether with few or with many we should pour out our whole heart and soul in praise, and whether the company was made up of select spirits or of the general mass of the people we would continue in the same exercise. For the choicest society there can be no better engagement than praise, and for the general assembly nothing can be more fitting. For the church and for the congregation, for the family or the community, for the private chamber of pious friendship, or the great hall of popular meeting, the praise of the Lord is suitable; and at the very least the true heart should sing hallelujah in any and every place.

Why should we fear the presence of people? The best of people will join us in our song, and if the common sort, will not do so, our example will be a needed rebuke to them. In any case let us praise God, whether the hearers be a little band of saints or a mixed multitude.

Come, take your worship that started this morning in your privacy, strengthened by the reading of God’s Word, pen this comment is in your heart magnifying the Lord: will you not pause for a moment and join in the delightful exercise?

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A leader must be….

The problem with answering the rest of that statement is that by putting in a few character traits and qualifications, if you find one or two that describe you, you think yourself a leader.

The more I study leadership and I go to God to find out if I have arrived yet, I am encouraged because I have grown in knowing more about leadership and disappointed that I am still just a babe in the practice of it.

Some of those qualifications take a lifetime before you actually say you have arrived.   I am thinking specifically for those of us who are married.  I have to take care of the affairs of my home and how I take care of my home, indicates how I will take care of those that follow me.  So I need to be walking the talk.

Basic character trait required to even start on this road – I need to be a follower of Christ and able to deliver the letter and practice of the gospel – shown through examples of my works.

Going back to my earlier statement about leading those in my home.  Imagine if my wife or children were not followers of Jesus?  Would that reflect on my personal lifestyle at home not living up to par, or enough legalism to push my family away from me?  I am sure I can come up with quite a few more reasons – do they all make me a less effective leader?  I think so.

I believe we should all desire to do leadership things.  In asking God to lead us and in us making the decision to follow Him, we learn quickly how to lead as He leads.  It is my prayer that you do not be passive about the things of God, that you try, fail and try again always to be the person God is calling you to be.  I pray that the grace, love and mercy of God will fill you always as you discover the road of being out in front is just another opportunity to bring glory to God as you submit to Him.

Leader Development Strategy for a 21st Century Army from TRADOC on Vimeo.

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If your life would be threatened because of your faith….?

Don’t forget…there are books written of thousands of martyrs that have already died because of their faith…don’t you think we should know how these Christians were able to lay down their lives?

Maybe we should understand first of all that most of these martyrs were not delivered into the hands of civil authority – they were tried, judged, condemned and put to death – murdered – by zealous, religious imitators.

I believe we should not be surprised if such a terror comes upon us or those who follow Jesus in countries where following Christ is punishable by persecution and execution. It is possible for those who are real enemies to God‘s service, to pretend zeal for it. This does not lessen the sin of the persecutors; villanies will never be changed by putting the name of God to them. As Jesus in His sufferings, so His followers in theirs, should look to the fulfilling of Scripture.

So we should be aware that each morning as we read God’s Word, our hearts are strengthened, our faith is renewed, our joy is established in the promises of God, the things of this world do not hold us, our lives are bent to worship Christ with body and soul and we are filled with the power of the Holy Spirit to live each day to the glory of God.

Then and only then, when our lives are threatened because of our faith, will we be able to lay down our lives for our Lord and Saviour as He did for us.

Peace of God go with you..

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Are you a shepherd?

Today the question is more like, “Are you a shepherd or a CEO?”  The answer today is more CEO, at least in practice and principle.

The word shepherd is definitely old school and lots of different imagery and defining character qualities that one might not want to be considered in such a group.

So I spend my time with God in the Word today, what did He want me to do?  I know without a shadow of a doubt that He has called me to shepherd.  By that I know that I will lead out of my own nothingness and with the grace of the Holy Spirit as my Teacher and Instructor, will refer all to the glory of God.  I am one of the “weak things” of the world, whom God has chosen to confound those that think they are wise.  My words will not be my own, they will be the words God has given me this morning to share.

What do you think those words are?

You know as well as I, that this world needs Jesus.  Jesus gives me both the knowledge and the message to make known to everyone that the “kingdom of God is at hand” and to repent.  For the Christian who says they are following Christ but are not, to the Jews and Muslims who also serve one God but have not been introduced to the salvation of God, to those who are following gods whom deserve not be followed for they are not gods, but conjured up images, and to those who think there is no God.

But also, the words of ones of comfort and hope to those who are followers of Christ and together we pray that the Lord would raise up harvesters to bring in the harvest of those who do not know Him – that they may receive the same deliverance and salvation as we have.

We pray that the gospel will spread speedily into the remotest corners of the earth.  For we believe that there is a day coming when everything that is amiss, shall be amended.  Christ is the fountain of living water – He cleanses, refreshes, gives grace and mercy – and He is desperately needed to be preached to everyone so that everyone may taste and never thirst again.  Then to know that Jesus has a home, a heavenly home being prepared for them that love Him and to know and to live in that hope that we will live with Him eternally.

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