Posts Tagged ‘Yemen’


I am currently reading a book of an author who spent quite a number of years in Yemen, Somalia and Pakistan and still how difficult it was for her to establish friendships with Muslim women in North America because she was always messing up unintentionally, but none the less permanently.

We probably do not understand that unintentional miscues are read as either intentional or that you are one ignorant person.

My first trip to Germany was such the case.  Visiting my aunt and uncle (my uncle served as an interpreter after the war and then government service after that), we went to see a relative in a small village.  It happened to be a very cool early summer and I did not have enough warm clothing to last me through the three-month visit.  This was mentioned in conversation with the family who had a boy a few years older than I.  He came out with about five warmer shirts for me.  I loved them – thanked them and then thought I said in German that “I really need these – thank you” and instead it was interpreted as “These are used – thank you,” a much more sarcastic rendition. and you guessed it, my uncle thought I was being sarcastic and I committed a sin unawares until his letter came to my mom after I returned home.

At the end of the day, when we stand before God, I think it will be the unintentional sins that will mess us up.  Ignorance of the law or of grace is no exception.

That’s what I love about Jesus.  When I said to Him that I could not save myself, I needed Him to help me, He gave me a surety, a confidence, a refuge so that when I stand before God one day and He asks me why I think I deserve to spend the rest of eternity with Him – I will simply point to Jesus.


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